Mihile's Marvel - A Sci-Fi Alien Romance: The Quasar Lineage Book 12 Page 8
There are no words. I mean, I want to answer, but as she begins to expose her deeply toned and perfect flesh, my mouth hangs open and all words have fled. I dumbly stare, mesmerized by what she’s exposing.
I blink, realizing she’s stopped, and look up to see her smirking slightly. She’s teasing? Swallowing hard, I grind out, “Please?”
The Discovery jumpsuit she’s wearing parts to her waist, and she sits up quickly, breaking my view of her stomach. I’m quickly distracted by her as she pulls her arms loose, leaning back to display her perfectly round, high breasts. Each mound is topped with a deep colored nipple, that tightens in front of my eyes to a taut point.
They bounce slightly as she lifts her butt to peel the clothing down her legs, turning toward the edge of the sleeping platform to kick off her shoes. Running my hand up her spine, I watch as her lighter colored mating marks flare with flashing hues under my hand. She shivers slightly at my touch, but I can’t help myself as I take her braid, sliding the strange tie from the bottom and releasing the waves. Her heavy length is dark and silky as it slides across her smooth skin.
My own hair flares out, sliding against it and weaving our strands together. She’s frozen with her back to me. “You can change your mind, you know. Despite what the other females are encouraging you to do, there’s plenty of time to get to know one another before adding a physical relationship. Would it help if I said we can just touch each other?”
Looking over her shoulder at me, she smiles before responding. “I want to be with you in every way. And even though they all think and are encouraging me to ‘just get it over with’, I was just thinking about all the years I imagined this moment.” A look of horror crosses her face before she adds, “Not with someone else!”
In her haste to reassure me of something I hadn’t even thought of, she turns, looking like an angel with her full, dark hair framing her face in thick, luxurious waves. Incredible. She really is the most marvelous vision I’ve seen in my life. I’m guessing there will never be anything that’ll come close to comparing to this moment in time.
“Can we pull up the covers? I’m a little chilly…” Tara’s already flipped over, turning her incredible butt to me. The tiny cheeks are topped with a dimple on each side, and her breasts bounce as she lifts the pillows to pull the top over her and down before shimming lower and pulling up the covers, breaking my concentration on all she’s exposed.
“Want to get in with me?” Giggling again, she pulls down the side nearest to me before I manage to pull myself together enough to respond.
“Always.” As I move under the blanket and reach for her, my hands meet silky, smooth flesh. “I’ll always want to join you. Be with you. Ravage you.”
Smiling tightly, I crush my lips to hers, expressing all my pent up arousal against her plush and giving lips The small, expressive sounds she makes skyrocket my arousal as my tongue delves deeper, showing her how much I want her. Together. Forever.
One of her hands dips between us, grasping my hard cock and squeezing, before sliding down to the base. When her grip loosens and begins a slow back and forth, up and down my length, I can feel my balls tingling and tightening. I’m not sure what this impending pressure means until I feel and see an explosion of color behind my lids.
My body tightens everywhere as she continues to stroke through my release, causing wave after wave of incredible pleasure to flow out of my body. As she slows, the realization of what’s occurred causes a fierce feeling of embarrassment to come over me. What will she think now that I’ve lost all control?
- Nitara
Lying naked with Mihile under the covers and kissing, is exactly what I need. What I’ve been imagining since the idea was planted weeks ago that I’d have a “mate.” Their version of a husband. The perfect match.
He also clearly has the perfect body and perfect cock. As I stroke him to a quick completion, I’m flattered that with such an inexperienced hand, I was able to bring him to a climax. I’m a little sad I didn’t get to watch, but I wouldn’t have broken our kiss for anything. Plus, it was my idea to get under the covers since I’m so dang shy. I just can’t help it!
Years of body consciousness have made me all too paranoid about exposing myself. Even though I usually buy the western attire of jeans and pants for school, I’m still considered conservative, wearing long sleeves and pants. There’s a line you just don’t cross, and the biggest thing that the government is always saying about women who are assaulted, is that they invited it somehow.
Clothing is the easiest excuse. It’s the woman’s fault, and she invited the attention by wearing her pants too tight or her skirt too short. It’s the oldest excuse in the world. As if the men have absolutely no accountability for their actions because of the wicked and enticing attire women wear. It’s such a cop-out!
Mihile rests his forehead against mine, eyes still closed as he attempts to slow his breathing. His hard cock in my hand is still a living entity, throbbing with his heartbeat that’s thundering in his chest, still pressed so close to me.
I feel a bit of… regret? When his eyes pop open, and he starts apologizing, I realize what I’m sensing are his feelings. Not mine, that’s for sure. I thought it was amazing to feel him come apart.
My own excitement is dripping down my thigh, pooling on the bed beneath us. I sensed his arousal and awe as I touched him. Knowing he was as turned on as I am, makes this the most enlightening experience ever.
“I’m so sorry. I… I didn’t realize what was coming… how close I was since that was my first time.” Right. As his words sink in, I reach up with my clean hand, pressing my finger to his lips. I don’t want him to think it wasn’t the most incredible thing that’s ever happened to me either.
It was. “Don't apologize, please. I’m so happy it was good for you. I was really afraid…” My voice trails off as I start to explain my insecurities.
“Afraid? Afraid of what? Me?” His immediate and totally wrong guess has me hurrying to finish and explain.
“No, no! Definitely not afraid of you. Afraid I wouldn’t do a good job. I don’t have any idea how to do that…”
“Neither do I.” His calm statement sinks in, and I look at him quickly, realizing exactly what he’s saying. He starts laughing first, and I join in until we’re both slowing down to giggles.
Throwing back the blanket, we both look down at my hand, still glued to his still surprisingly hard cock. Isn’t that supposed to go down after? We start another round of laughter as I peel my fingers from him. Technically, he’s never seen this either, and he flinches a bit, his laugh cutting off abruptly as the sticky mess lifts his skin. Am I hurting him?
“Are you okay?” Holding my hand up awkwardly, I look at him seriously. Glancing down, I confirm I didn’t peel skin off or anything like that. He looks fine. Maybe a little redder.
When I glance up, I realize he’s taking a deep breath. His nose flares and I sit up quickly. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
His eyes smolder as he looks over at my naked chest, his gaze roaming lower and stopping as he answers, “Just a little sensitive.”
Embarrassed again at my nudity, I try to snatch the covers to hide the evidence of my own arousal. “I can’t help it,” I declare with a weak protest, but his hand grabs my arm, stopping its flailing as he traps it against my thigh.
“Just as I couldn’t help it.” His quiet words have me settling back into the pillows behind us as the panic ebbs from my muscles. “Let’s agree now that we’ll take whatever happens and enjoy it… no matter what… because we’re together. It’s special because it’s us, alright?”
Instead of answering, I blurt out, “How old are you?” He just seems so calm and confident. And wise.
Looking at me curiously, he sits up and leans down over me. “Thirty two annual rotations. Why?”
As he answers, he tugs the covers more behind me, trailing his nose down my ches
t and totally distracting me. His lips feather across my skin, sending tingles of pleasure radiating out, making goosebumps break out everywhere. Why, what?
When his face hits my belly button, I realize where he’s going and stiffen all over. Of course, I know about oral sex and pleasuring each other with your mouths, but I didn’t think…
His tongue flicks out, pressing against my thighs right where they meet at my cleft, and a shock of pleasure and plain, unadulterated lust shoots through me. Inhaling quickly, I almost choke as he shocks me with his desire.
Licking his lips, he looks up at me with a smoldering look. Before I realize what he intends, his lips latch onto me, darting his tongue out and right into my cleft. Pushing against me, his tongue twitches back and forth, creating a storm of sensation that overwhelms me. All I can do is clutch the blankets next to me, all other thoughts erased.
Mihile’s body moves down mine as his tongue does the same, and before I realize it, he’s spread my legs and settled between them, giving him a new angle that makes my eyes roll back into my head. Over and over his tongue darts out, seeking and probing and discovering. As I start to hyperventilate, I grasp at his head, but I’m met with a mass of hair that’s waving above us.
When my hands settle into it, his tongue drops down, stiffening and entering me. Without any conscious thought, I scream, my voice still a hoarse whisper, “Mihile! Please!”
I’m not sure exactly what I want, but it’s enough that he lifts his head, fluttering gentle kisses over my skin, letting me catch my breath. When he reaches my chest, his hands push the mounds together and he latches onto one, drawing as much of my breast into his mouth that he can. My legs circle his waist, and involuntarily, I begin rocking against him.
This feels so good. The pleasure soars through my body as he releases my tit with a pop and kisses his way over to the other, before latching on and tugging it to the same excited peak. My hands are buried in his hair as I rock against him. My moans of pleasure have almost reached a sing song tone as I enjoy all the rapture he’s wringing from me.
Mihile doesn’t stop, only leaving my breast to move up higher, his lips latching onto mine for a deep probing kiss, and for the first time, I feel him hard and prodding against me. I’m so wet between my legs that he slides against my opening, rocking and flicking against my clit causing me to break our kiss slightly.
He freezes, bracing himself on his elbows above me. When I open my eyes, he’s staring down seriously. “Is this alright? I’m very close to entering you, but I want to make sure you’re ready for this.”
His whispered words are so sweet and thoughtful. What man would ever take the time to pause at this point. Even I feel like we’re past the point of no return. My clit throbs intensely as I continue to rock against him slightly. It’s all I can think about.
“I’m ready, Mihile. Please. Enter me.” His jaw clenches at my words, and with a shift of his hips, I feel the broad head of him applying pressure at my opening.
Mihile’s face changes to wonder as he slides inside me. I can’t tell how much exactly, but it’s not far. It’s tight. Biting my lip, I wait for the pain but all I feel is a delicious pressure that makes my toes curl.
Before I can think too much about it, his lips latch back onto mine, and his tongue enters my mouth at the same time as he rocks forward. I’m invaded so perfectly. Explosions begin behind my eyes as he continues the slow rocking deeper into my body at the same time as our kiss. Head spinning, I tighten my thighs on him, wrapping my legs around his, arching into his thrusts.
I realize his hair has begun to rub and vibrate against me and suddenly, it’s too much. My body tightens, winding up more and more until I can’t take it any longer, Throwing my head back, I explode into an orgasm so intense, so mind boggling… I can only clutch him to me.
Mihile’s hands have slid underneath me, his face buried in the bed next to mine as he grabs my butt cheeks, tilting my hips and burying himself to the hilt before freezing. Our moans go on and on as we both enjoy the release. He’s still throbbing slightly as he empties himself inside me. My own body continues to pulse around him, surprising me with the intensity of the aftershocks of pleasure.
It’s the most incredible moment of my life.
- Mihile
I’m rinsing the cleansing cloth in the bathing facility after washing Tara and I, when there’s a low knock on the door. I hear Tara scramble on the bed, and when I peek my head out, I smile to see her struggling to slide back into the tight jumpsuit while calling out, “Who is it?”
“It’s me.” That doesn’t tell me a thing except it’s a female, but the energy is benevolent. Tara glances back at me before tossing me my robe and waving me back inside the bathing facility. I can hear the door slide open and April’s voice telling Tara about how five more historical technicians have arrived.
“Who are these males?” I don’t mean to be rude, realizing that April may think I am as I cut in. I want to meet them and confirm that they’re truly safe to have around my mate. Now that I better understand the color and movement of energy around each person, it’s becoming clear what I should be watching out for. Even the most innocuous differences can signify they’re about to become combative. Their aura doesn’t lie.
“Barek and Melin? Or the new ones?” April looks at me then back to Tara. “Didn’t he meet them earlier? Barek was there when you got him out—”
“I think he means the new ones, but they’re just friends of Barek’s right? Or are they friends of guys from the Proscribe Movement?” April shrugs at Tara’s question, clearly not that concerned.
“Honestly, I don’t know for sure, but everyone thought Mihile might like to watch the Accord agreement with these guys. He may have information to add while they start trying to research a way to get the videos or memories or whatever you’d call it off the stone… information?” April flips her black braids, leaning back to look back out the door. “Are you coming?”
Tara slides into my arms effortlessly, resting her chin on my body to look up at me. “I’m going to get a little more cleaned up. If you want, you can go down and check it out. They’re right, you know. You should watch it so you know what all the fuss is about. It’s the Accord Agreement with the Ashen that shows how the Quasar females made an agreement with them to stop matings from happening a long, long time ago.”
Nodding, I wrap my arms around her as I crouch down to kiss her lightly. “If you want me to watch it, I’ll go watch it. You take your time. And thank you again. That was the most—” Tara slaps me on the chest, cutting off my words.
“Uh! Wow!” April’s laughing is loud and obnoxious even though she has started walking in the other direction down the hall.
“…don’t talk about that kind of stuff in front of everyone… please…”
“I’m sorry.” My voice is quiet but sincere as I look down at her with a soft smile. My mate’s shy, which is silly, considering everyone’s aware that we’ll be having sex, and they’ll be able to smell it on us both. But clearly, she doesn’t want to be thanked in front of them.
Pushing me toward the door opening, she takes a step back. “Go ahead. I’ll be down in a little while.” As I step out into the hall, the door starts to slide shut and I see hear her soft voice whisper, “And thank you too,” as she winks. A broad smile spreads my lips as I catch up to April who leads me into a large room with multiple, small tables set up.
Looking around slowly, I don’t see any signs of dark funnels spiraling around in the energy surrounding these males. Some don’t look healthy but nothing appears deceptive. As soon as I arrive, I’m surrounded by new faces, reaching out their hands to clasp my forearm and greet me. For the first time, I feel wanted, included, and even looked to for advice.
Barek takes several long moments to explain the stone called the Accord before he has me and two others sit at a table as his technician friend drops the shiny rock into
an antiquated reading device. As the waves of light begin to emanate from it, I watch the bubble spread out from the stone itself, coating us all in a glowing yellow light. It doesn’t take long before I’m immersed in the most interesting history lesson I’ve ever experienced.
I know what the outcome of this meeting is, but I’d no idea that it was a voluntary decision. I can’t speak for everyone else, because it’s clear that many who surrounded me over the years lied to me as well as my mother. In addition to not knowing that there was life outside the underground rooms we created and thrived in, there are also thousands of Quasars alive and well above ground. As well as can be expected considering our planet is dying — again. Many, many more than I could have imagined.
I watch with fascination as the Sacred Mother Prime, our very first Sacred Mother, demands from the Ashen that the matings stop. There’s interview after interview and all different reasons with supporting witnesses are given for this request, but the end result is the same. They’re warned, over and over, about what the long term repercussions will be for our species. In addition to the life they’re enslaving all men to suffer with, including essentially never growing up, it also was advised that the low fertility would be our species’ demise.
Still, they argued. I know from my own studies in the private records of my mother, that the Sacred Mother Prime ran into many obstacles before she was followed to the new planet Quasar. As I finally leave the Accord’s influence, that’s the first thing I question of the males around me.
“Is this then the actual reason that the Quasars left their previous home world?” The men look at me puzzled for a moment, so I continue. “We’re taught that our previous home world had become uninhabitable. Still, our people refused to leave. We built tunnels and dwellings underground—all of those recreated here, I might add. It wasn’t until the Sacred Mother Prime was sacrificed for the heresy of wanting to leave, and she rose from death’s clutches as proof of her message being the truth that most believed she was the prophet she claimed to be. And the mass exodus happened not long after.”